Program & Speakers

7:00 AM

Registration & AR Experience

8:20 AM

Welcome to Country

View Restaurant Terrace

8:45 AM

Day 1 Introduction to the Equity CoLab's 2024 Advancing Equity Summit + Meet Your MC

Rainforest Room

9:00 AM

Equity in Context: Australia's History and Systemic Injustices

Rainforest Room

9:20 AM

Opening Keynote with Q&A – Equity: “Embracing the ALL without fear”

Rainforest Room

10:20 AM

Morning tea

View Restaurant Terrace

10:50 AM

Rethinking Solutions: How Systems Thinking Shapes a Fairer Future

Rainforest Room

11:25 AM

Visualising Inequity: How Data Shapes Our Understanding of Equity, Equality and Disadvantage in Australia

Rainforest Room

11:55 AM

Achieving Equity at Scale: Policy Solutions for a Fairer Australia

Rainforest Room

12:25 PM

Q&A Panel for mid-morning sessions

Rainforest Room

12:45 PM

Networking lunch and AR Experience

View Restaurant Terrace

1:45 PM

Workshop Series 1 – Innovations and Insights in Driving Structural Change for Equity: Case Studies in Housing, Health, and Cross-Sectoral Approaches for Older Australians.

Attendees choose to attend session A, B or C.

A – Pursuing Equitable Housing: Lessons from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities

Rainforest Room

B – Collaborative Strategic Reform: The Torres and Cape Healthcare Commissioning Fund Initiative

Ocean Room

C – Golden Age Investing: Policy Reforms for Equitable Ageing in Australia

Aqua Room

2:35 PM

Workshop Series 2 – Centring Equity in Systems Change: Deep(er) Dives into Principles, Power and Partnerships.

Attendees choose to attend session A, B or C

A – Locating Yourself in the System and Engaging with Power to Advance Equity

Rainforest Room

B – Principles and Pathways to Achieve Impact at Scale

Ocean Room

C – Leveraging Partnerships for Systemic Change: Lessons from Thriving Kids QLD

Aqua Room

3:20 PM

Afternoon tea

View Restaurant Terrace

4:05 PM

Transforming from Within: The Personal Journey to Drive Equity

Rainforest Room

4:30 PM

Day 1 Reflections

Rainforest Room

6:30 PM

Sunset drinks and dinner celebration

View Restaurant Terrace

6:00 AM

National Park sunrise walk and connecting with Country

Noosa National Park

8:30 AM

Day 2 Introduction

Rainforest Room

8:45 AM

Re-Patterning for Equity: Transforming Everyday Actions and Relationships

Rainforest Room

9:20 AM

Community-Led Change for Equity: How First Nations and Multicultural Communities Lead in Peacebuilding, Healing and Strengthening Democracy

Rainforest Room

9:50 AM

Panel Q&A

Rainforest Room

10:10 AM

Morning tea

View Restaurant Terrace

10:40 AM

Workshop 3 – Building Community: Lessons from Place-Based Intersectoral Collaboration for Equitable Change.

Attendees choose to attend session A, B or C.

A – Locals Leading the Way: Community-Driven Health Transformation in the Southern Moreton Bay Islands

Rainforest Room

B – Stronger Places Stronger People: Collaborative Success in the Gladstone Region

Ocean Room

C - Community Led Change for Equity – Deeper Dive

Aqua Room

11:25 AM

Workshop 4 – Equity by Design: Integrating Data, Evidence and Continuous Learning into Workplace, Program, Service and Policy Design.

Attendees choose to attend session A, B or C.

A – Creating Gender Equitable Workplaces: Addressing Structural Barriers and Cultivating Inclusive Cultures

Rainforest Room

B – A New Practice Framework: Addressing Systemic Issues Faced by Marginalised Young People

Ocean Room

C – Restacking the Odds: Enhancing Early Childhood Service Quality and Equity with Evidence-Based Indicators

Aqua Room

12:10 PM

Networking lunch and AR Experience

View Restaurant Terrace

1:10 PM

Panel Discussions

Choose one of two sessions

1 – Innovative Funding Strategies and Collaborations: Advancing Equity through Effective Financial Models

Rainforest Room

Thriving Kids Queensland Partnership: Innovative Approaches to Funding for Child Wellbeing

Investment Dialogue for Australia’s Children and the Queensland Kid Funders Alliance: Collaborative Funding Models for Long-Term Impact

Achieve Foundation and Disability Funders Network: Redefining Funding Strategies to Support Inclusive and Equitable Outcomes

2 – Equity in Governance

Ocean/Aqua Room

Australian Business Volunteers: Enhancing Community-Led Disaster Resilience

CQID: Supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children through Self-Determination, Delegated Authority and the Power of Community

Collaboration for Impact: Driving Community-Led Climate Justice

2:15 PM

Equity In and Through Community: The Role of Social Innovation in Advancing Regional Wellbeing

Rainforest Room

2:45 PM

Panel Q&A

Rainforest Room

3:00 PM

Monday Morning and Beyond: Reflect, Commit, and Shape Future Actions with The Equity CoLab

Rainforest Room

3:35 PM

Thank you and close

Rainforest Room

Afternoon tea available in View Restaurant Terrace


Meet our speakers for the 2024 Advancing Equity Summit and join us in shaping the future of equity.

Deena Rosalky

Program Director, The Achieve Foundation

Neil Willmett

Chief Executive Officer, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Queensland

Professor Jo Barraket AM

Director, Melbourne Social Equity Institute

Professor Ingrid Burkett

Director, Griffith Centre for Systems Innovation